Designers and Architects Meet a Sustainable Farmer
by: FEED STOP, 2012-06-30 13:00:00 UTC
During the fall of 2011, I had coffee with a Professor from Architecture where we hatched out a plan to use our respective spring 2012 courses to create a functioning farm-to-market produce cart and related farmer's market awareness campaigns for the Sustainable Student Farm on the University of Illinois campus. We had received a small grant to implement a portion of the project and had the feelers out to snatch in more money. It seemed exciting, however the biggest fear I had was that I was entrusting a fairly visible community project to a group of thirty sophomore designers who [...]
Sunshine Studio Atelier: Final Presentations
by: VEIL - Victorian Eco Innovation Lab, 2012-06-20 05:33:11 UTC
Final project presentations to a guest panel. |
TED: Damian Palin: Mining minerals from seawater - Damian Palin (2012)
by: TEDTalks (video), 2012-06-07 16:30:29 UTC
The world needs clean water, and more and more, we're pulling it from the oceans, desalinating it, and drinking it. But what to do with the salty brine left behind? In this intriguing short talk, TED Fellow Damian Palin proposes an idea: Mine it for other minerals we need, with the help of some collaborative metal-munching bacteria.
TED: Wolfgang Kessling: How to air-condition outdoor spaces - Wolfgang Kessling (2012)
by: TEDTalks (video), 2012-06-22 15:00:02 UTC
During the hot summer months, watching an outdoor sports match or concert can be tantamount to baking uncomfortably in the sun -- but it doesn’t have to be. At the TEDxSummit in Doha, physicist Wolfgang Kessling reveals sustainable design innovations that cool us from above and below, and even collects solar energy for later use.
Lessons from Ecologic Brands: How to make sustainability sexy
by: Greener Design, 2012-06-29 18:59:04 UTC
Sustainable products have an image problem: They tend to look sensible, not sexy. Here's how Ecologic Brands helped give Seventh Generation's liquid laundry detergent more shelf appeal.

Riding the solar coaster – a free mini-report from Cleantech Group
by: Cleantech research, 2012-06-26 23:54:02 UTC
Just released – a special excerpt on Solar from Cleantech Group’s Quarterly Investment Monitor report (normally available only to subscribers).
Venture investment in solar in the first quarter of 2012 was down following on the back of a strong 2011. Companies innovating in various areas of the solar sector raised $250 million in the first quarter, down 53 percent from the previous quarter and down 56 percent when compared with the same quarter a year earlier. While the total amount invested dropped steeply, the number of deals done remained relatively strong at 28 (right near the long-running sweet spot for the sector of 30 deals per quarter).

This suggests investors are both cautious about market conditions and capital-constrained and are choosing more efficient fund allocation while still keeping an appetite for deals. The average round sizes for both the quarter as a whole and the top three deals were also down around 50 percent compared with the quarterly averages for 2011.
SolarCity’s $81 million round, the biggest round of the quarter for the solar sector, drove the large dollar share for the segment. In addition to SolarCity’s round, other PV integrators/developers including Sungevity, OneRoof Energy, ISIS Solar…
Dwell on Design 2012: Quench Australian Collective
by: Core77, 2012-06-29 22:00:00 UTC

In my experience, Australians seem to travel in packs of two or more. Each time I've met an Australian, one, two or more of their countrymen are close by. At Dwell on Design this past weekend, I met six in one booth.
The six form Quench, a collective of designers from Queensland, Australia, who all smartly pool their resources, whether they're sharing manufacturers, or studios, or a tradeshow booth at Dwell. Each represented himself individually, but all together (with their space) confirmed another Australian stereotype of mine: they are fun, engaging, and colorful.
Luxx Box's Watch Out
David Shaw's Flow
There was David Shaw's "Flow" planter, a divider/bench/planter nicely done in white and grey powder-coated steel. Flow is representative of Shaw's public works design, for his studio Street and Garden Furniture Co. He creates bus benches, bike racks, drinking fountains, etc., with a clean yet classic sensibility greatly needed in public works design (at least in the U.S.).
Luxx Box's Milk and Tingle
Alexander Lotersztain, with his studio Derlot Editions, and Jason Bird's Luxx Box brought the playful color to the Quench booth. Derlot had "Picket," a lovely table with a solid Tasmanian oak top and brightly colored, powder-coated steel legs. The legs are an appealingly chunky, rounded-tube shape. Luxx Box brought the most color, showing a range of colors in the Milk stool, recyclable polyethylene Tingle seat, and Watch Out, a colorful take on the old industrial sconce.
Derlot's Picket

How Tracking Energy Usage (And Competing Against Neighbors) Can Save Texans Money
by: fast company, 2012-06-29 19:08:33 UTC
Everything's bigger in Texas, including your electricity bill. TXU, a private energy provider, developed $100 million technology that gives customers a range of ways to visualize, adjust, and reduce their electricity usage, including the state’s first web-enabled thermostat and an iPhone app.

OF INNOVATIONNew Ideas, New Markets, New Insights
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What do you get when you mix record-breaking heat, the country’s largest energy consumer and competing electric companies? (Hint: It’s not Texas toast.) It is a recipe for innovation at electric company TXU Energy.
With temperatures hovering in and around triple digits most of the summer in many of its cities, it’s no wonder the Lone Star State’s 25 million residents continue to run their air conditioners full throttle--despite warnings of rolling blackouts. Still, nearly two-thirds of people look to the energy industry for help with conservation according to the poll by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
Armed with that knowledge as well as an eye on the state’s more than 70-plus other energy providers, Jennifer Pulliam, TXU’s director of innovation took a $100 million budget and started working on ways to reduce consumption and costs. “I think of it as seed capital,” she tells Fast Company, “We were like a scrappy startup with no infrastructure in a competitive market. So we started dabbling in what would become a differentiating [set of services].”
The resulting technology gives customers a range of ways to control, track and adjust their electric consumption, including the state’s first Web-enabled thermostat and an iPhone app.
Pulliam explains that touch points at home, online and on mobile devices all feed into a free dashboard that gives customers immediate access to their electricity usage and bill estimates. Want to know how much electricity you’ve chewed up in the middle of the billing cycle? Check in via your computer or phone and get the scoop. Data is captured every 15 minutes and available to the 1.2 million customers with smart meters.
At the risk of sounding geeky, Pulliam says the mobile app (which has been downloaded more than 50,000 times) is “so friggin’ cool because our customers are able to get so much more insight relative to what they get from other providers.”
Admitting this is not a category that tends to interest people unless they get a big bill or the power goes out, Pulliam notes that having the data explained along with email tips on how to reduce spending has resulted in fewer calls to TXU’s help line. On the flip side she says, because the analytics rate customers' energy use against others with similar homes, there’s a new level of friendly competition between neighbors.
She’s not expecting the call center staff to become like the lonely Maytag repairman just yet though. Last year when the AC was running full tilt in August, for example, “We had a groundswell of support from our customers calling to thank up for letting them contribute to not having rolling outages,” she says.
Over the long term, Pulliam says these measures are beneficial to the grid and help keep prices stable. Not to mention that by helping customers manage their consumption conveniently, she’s hoping they’ll stick with TXU for a lifetime. It's an interesting paradox, she says, because as customers save an average of $300 per year (using the smart meter) TXU is sacrificing some top-line revenue.
“There are a lot of providers whose introductory rates tease people in but from our perspective the relationship is more important. We want to be a trusted advisor,” she says by offering “a lot of carrot as opposed to just the stick.”
Follow the conversation on Twitter using the tag #USInnovation.
[Image: Felix Mizioznikov via Shutterstock]

Old Incandescent Repackaged
by: Yanko Design, 2012-06-29 14:57:05 UTC
Lit is an eco-aware, unbreakable light bulb that revisits the old incandescent. Giving timeless design a new meaning, the bulb adapted to different types of lighting fixtures and is customizable because the sockets are modular. The designer claims it to be the world’s first light bulb with a hybrid technology – LEDs and Optical fiber. Apparently the technology gives an incredible lifetime to the bulb, with an excellent dimmable light quality trough the time. Money savings and reduced enviornmetal impacts are assured!
Designer: Elie Ahovi

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(Old Incandescent Repackaged was originally posted on Yanko Design)
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Electrolux Design Lab Pinterest Winners Announced
by: Yanko Design, 2012-06-29 16:09:49 UTC
We love it when you get creative and participate in events like the Electrolux Design Lab Pinterest ‘Work in Progress’ competition. Basically you had to pin your work-in-progress project to the Design Lab Pinterest Board and five interesting projects were to be picked by Yanko Design as winners for the Electrolux Powermix Mini Compact Blenders. Without further ado, jump right ahead to see who are the five lucky winners….
Congratulations all, Electrolux Design Lab will get in touch with the winners directly.
Sketches by Marc TRAN

PlayFood experiment

Lamp WIP

WIP. First phase of Odour Transformer

London Underground Stations

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Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
(Electrolux Design Lab Pinterest Winners Announced was originally posted on Yanko Design)
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