TED: Jackie Savitz: Save the oceans, feed the world! - Jackie Savitz (2013)
by: TEDTalks (video), 2014-05-20 14:59:46 UTC
What's a marine biologist doing talking about world hunger? Well, says Jackie Savitz, fixing the world's oceans might just help to feed the planet's billion hungriest people. In an eye-opening talk, Savitz tells us what’s really going on in our global fisheries right now — it’s not good — and offers smart suggestions of how we can help them heal, while making more food for all.
Navy Demonstrates Fuel From Seawater Production
by: Eco Geek Latest, 2014-05-07 14:20:47 UTC

A team of US Navy research scientists has developed a method to produce liquid fuel from seawater, using CO2 and hydrogen extracted from the ocean and then processed with a metal catalyst to produce liquid fuel. As a demonstration of the concept, an unmodified scale airplane has been flown with the seawater fuel.
The concentration of CO2 is about 140 times higher in seawater than it is in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen are the two feedstocks needed to make hydrocarbons. The process relies on "an iron-based catalyst [which] has been developed that can achieve CO2 conversion levels up to 60 percent and decrease unwanted methane production in favor of longer-chain unsaturated hydrocarbons (olefins)." The process is claimed to be the first technology of this type with the potential for commercial implementation.
"The predicted cost of jet fuel using these technologies is in the range of $3-$6 per gallon, and with sufficient funding and partnerships, this approach could be commercially viable within the next seven to ten years."
video clip: Flight with Seawater Fuel
image credits: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
PETA Partners With Morrissey To Make An Emotional Pitch For Veganism
by: Co.Exist, 2014-05-22 12:39:00 UTC
If this short film set to "I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday" doesn't make you think twice about the nuggets, it'll at least tug at your heartstrings.
A lot of people love eating meat. It's BBQ season RIGHT NOW. Somehow the association between what's on our plates and those cuddly creatures we gazed at in wonder, in person, or in books, as children disappeared. Well, actually, when they're just wrapped clumps of stuff in cellophane on a grocery store shelf it is pretty easy to forget about where it came from. This new animated short from PETA is meant to serve as a reminder.
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Peres e-nose sniffs out spoiled food
by: Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine, 2014-05-22 20:46:23 UTC

Technology can go a long way towards keeping food fresher for longer, but it can also be used to check whether the food has passed its best-by date. We've seen
plastics that indicate the freshness of food, and we've also covered
food packaging that lets people know if it's still fresh. Now, a product called Peres aims to perform a similar task, but it does it with a sensor and a smartphone or tablet.
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Peres e-nose sniffs out spoiled food
Section: Around The Home
Tags: Food,
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Sustainable Brands ‘14 Preview: Arrow Electronics on CSR Metrics
by: Triple Pundit: People, Planet, Profit, 2014-05-23 09:00:21 UTC
At the upcoming Sustainable Brands '14 San Diego conference (June 2-5), Rich Kylberg, Vice President of Global Marketing and Communications at Arrow, will discuss the convergence of the company’s rebranding and CSR program. I caught up with him for a quick preview conversation about CSR metrics.
The post Sustainable Brands ‘14 Preview: Arrow Electronics on CSR Metrics appeared first on Triple Pundit: People, Planet, Profit.
Volvo Group Studies an Electric Avenue
by: Triple Pundit: People, Planet, Profit, 2014-05-23 09:30:45 UTC
“Vehicles capable of being charged directly from the road during operation could become the next pioneering step in the development towards reduced environmental impact,” says Volvo Group’s Niklas Gustavsson.
The post Volvo Group Studies an Electric Avenue appeared first on Triple Pundit: People, Planet, Profit.
Clean Water For All With Innovative New Water Pump
by: Jetson Green, 2014-05-19 22:29:33 UTC

The company Pumpmakers has developed an innovative, sustainable water pump, called NSP Solar Pump. Their main aim in developing this water pump was to alleviate the effects of the water crisis in the many areas of the world where people still have no access to clean water. The NSP Solar Pump is a maintenance-free water pump which is fully powered by solar energy, is inexpensive to construct and can be manufactured locally anywhere in the world. Furthermore, the NSP Solar Pump system can also be installed as a replacement for existing water pumps, such as hand pumps, diesel generator-powered pumps, or windmill pumps.
The NSP Solar Pump is designed to use only renewable solar energy as its power source, and has no running costs. It is capable of pumping water from a depth of up to 300 feet, even on overcast days, while it also comes with a hand pump attachment for pumping water at night. The pump is also resistant to salt water and corrosion, and is made from high-quality maintenance-free materials. To encourage local economic development in the areas where this pump will afford the biggest benefits, the entire pump is designed so that it can be easily assembled using local skills, labor and parts. A prototype of the NSP Solar Pump has already been installed in a small village in Mozambique. It has been consistently delivering 5000 liters (1300 gallons) of water per day from an 80 meters deep well since 2012. This amount of water is able to supply 800 villagers with clean drinking water.

The company is currently raising funds to launch their innovative, DIY, sustainable water pump. They are doing so through a crowdfunding campaign on Indie Go Go, where they hope to raise $300,000. According to Pumpmakers, a single pump system currently costs almost $14,000 to construct. However, if they reach their funding goal, they will be able to begin serial production of the components needed to construct the pump, which will reduce the costs by at least 60%. If the funding goal is reached, the company will also give anyone interested the access to the construction plans and instructional videos for how to build their own NSP Solar Pump. In this way, any interested parties, such as private individuals and NGOs, will be able to easily construct and install them wherever a water source is needed.
Good to Go Lets You Borrow a Reusable Coffee Cup to Cut Down on Waste
by: Inhabitat , 2014-05-22 12:00:13 UTC

Your daily cup of coffee to go may get you amped for the day, but the countless paper cups are taking a toll on our landfills. Good to Go wants you to think of your coffee routine like a bike sharing program. The service lets users borrow a durable cup each morning that can be returned to a participating location to cut down on waste.
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Post tags: Brooklyn Roasting Company, coffee cup share program, eco design, Good to Go, green design, reusable coffee cups, sustainable design

USGBC+: U.S. Green Building Council Launches New Magazine
by: Sustainable Design News, 2014-05-20 15:08:45 UTC

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has launched a new magazine for its community. The magazine is available as a complimentary amenity for USGBC members.
SFC Next 2014
by: Sustainable Design News, 2014-05-20 15:56:57 UTC

SFC Next is a two day learning and networking experience that will help those doing business in and around the home furnishings industry broaden and accelerate their sustainability initiatives.
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