Seven apps that help you live a green life
by: Ecofriend, 2011-10-13 11:08:10 UTC
Ankit Dahiya:
Green living appsHere is a list of seven apps that will help you live a green life.
The online app market is growing at a rapid rate and there is no stopping to it. The app developing is made public now so that anyone can develop their app and can provide it on the company website or the apps website. These apps are not only cool but also are a good time pass when you are bored to hell. These days the green technology is leading the way everywhere and there is nothing that can stop this ultimate revolution.
The green technology is now into the app industry and here it has also created a massive impact toward the living standards and the living behavior of so many people. These apps not only provide you with ultimate related problems and queries but also make you a better person overall and also takes you to a whole new level of green living. Here is a list of best seven apps that will help you live a green life.
1. Green Genie
Green GenieThe name of the app sounds like an avatar that is here to help you out from all your problems
The name of the app sounds like an avatar that is here to help you out from all your problems. And guess what, this genie does that. This cool app have a functioning unit that suggests the user with a variety of projects to tackle. These projects can be related to your daily needs like getting your grocery bags while shopping or something related to business. This user-friendly app includes plenty of green terms to convert your live into a green living. It not only provides you with green ideas, but also allows you to post your ideas regarding a green living. IT is available on iTunes at a price of just $0.99.
2. Good Guide
Good GuideThis is an ultra-cool green app and is worth of keeping in your mobile if you are concerned about your environment
This is an ultra-cool green app and is worth of keeping in your mobile if you are concerned about your environment. It focuses on dealing with sustainable products and is provided with a bar code scanner that allows you to scan the level of the products impact on surrounding even before purchasing it. It is one of the most famous app in market these days and there are over 70,000 ratings on this ultra-cool app. Moreover it is available for free on iTunes.
3. Carbon Tracker
Carbon TrackerThe Carbon tracker is another cool app that helps you in determining your affect on environment
The Carbon tracker is another cool app that helps you in determining your affect on environment. This is a GPS enabled app that calculates the amount of carbon footprints are created by you on the surrounding environment while walking or travelling. This provides you information regarding your footprints so that you can chart them for an improvement in the level to help out our surrounding. Moreover it also provides you suggestions regarding ways to reduce the carbon footprints while you are travelling. This app is available for free on iTunes.
4. Green Outlet
Green OutletThe Green outlet is an all in one green app which is especially made keeping in mind the effects caused by human beings on earth and surroundings
The Green outlet is an all in one green app which is especially made keeping in mind the effects caused by human beings on earth and surroundings. This unique and cool app will let you know all the details regarding your current bill instantly. This app tracks the number of appliances being used in house and will let you know the impact of these appliances on your electricity bill and will ultimately help you reduce your electricity bill. Also it helps in determining the carbon footprints made by a particular person or group of person. This app is available on iTunes at a price of $2.99.
5. Green Gas Saver
Green Gas SaverThe Green gas saver is an app that is especially made keeping in mind the driving habits of human beings
The Green gas saver is an app that is especially made keeping in mind the driving habits of human beings. We usually don’t bother how we drive when we are on road and this result in a bad impact on environment and also on the car. This cool app is here to save you out of this fuss. It tracks down the way you are driving down the road and warns you if you are going pretty fast or slow. Also it warns you if you give a high acceleration suddenly to your car as this process leads to the failure of basic components of your car. This app saves your fuel efficiency as it provides ways of conserving fuel on the go, and trust me, this app gives every minute detail very clearly and perfectly. It is available for free on iTunes.
6. Find Green
Find GreenFind Green is an app designed to find out the ways of reaching the nearest sustainable businesses
Find Green is an app designed to find out the ways of reaching the nearest sustainable businesses. This app gives you the exact way and details of how about going to the particular place. Be it a food point or medical office or any other office, this app gives information about every minute information about green shops. It also allows the user to select the distance and the type of transportation and it gives you opinion regarding the best way of coming back home. It is available for free on iTunes.
7. Get Green
Get GreenThe Get Green app provides the user with the details of green business and also provides green tips for a sustainable living
The Get Green app provides the user with the details of green business and also provides green tips for a sustainable living. It gives useful advices regarding the ways you can keep your house green and healthy. It is a useful app if at times you need some advice for a green living. It offers plenty of options to the user. This smart app is available on iTunes for a price of just $0.99.

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Nissan Unveils 10 Minute Electric Vehicle Charger
by: Inhabitat , 2011-10-11 14:18:11 UTC

Nissan just announced that, in conjunction with Japan’s Kansai University, it has built an electric vehicle charger that is capable of fully recharging a car in just 10 minutes. One of the biggest downsides of current electric vehicles and their accompanying charging stations is that it usually takes about 8 hours to fully recharge a battery. This new charging station, when commercialized, could open up the door to a whole new demographic of people who aren’t willing to wait — the only problem is they’ll have to wait about a decade for Nissan to get this thing into dealerships.
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Post tags: 10 minute charger, 10 minute charging station, electric cars, electric vehicles, ev quick charge, green cars, green transportation, Low-emission Cars, NISSAN, Nissan Leaf, no emission cars, quick charge, quick charging station
Europeans Are More Worried About the Environment Than the Economic Crisis
by: Inhabitat , 2011-10-11 19:02:51 UTC

A new poll indicates that two out of three Europeans see climate change as a more serious problem than the global economic crisis. Sixty-eight percent of those polled saw climate change as a very serious problem (up from 64 percent in 2009), while 80 percent saw it as either ‘very serious’ or ‘fairly serious’. Maybe it is because the rich are getting richer and many see the climate as an easier thing to fix than the current economic market, but it seems that many Europeans are more concerned about the glaciers than national debt.
Read the rest of Europeans Are More Worried About the Environment Than the Economic Crisis
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Post tags: Climate Change, economic crisis, environment or economic crisis, eurobarometer, europe economic crisis, europe environment concern, European Commissioner for climate action, european environment poll, global warming, Sustainability Features, yale university poll
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